Berikut cara sederhana mengukur tekanan intra buli (Bladder pressure) :
- Masukkan Nacl 50 ml menggunakan Spuit 50 ml ke dalam buli,
- Posisikan kateter sejajar dengan MUE, kemudian naikkan catheter Tegak lurus mengikuti manometer (bisa juga gunakan penggaris jika tidak tersedia manometer)
- Ukur kenaikan air berapa cmH2O
- Konversikan ke mmHg (x 0,7)
- Normal 0-5 mmHg
- Abdominal hipertensi 10-15 mmHg
- Abdominal kompartemen 15-25 mmHg
The normal intra-abdominal pressure ranges between 0 and 5 mmHg. When it is mildly increased to between 10 and 15 mmHg, cardiac index is usually maintained or even increased because abdominal viscera are mildly squeezed and venous return increases. Respiratory and renal symptoms are unlikely to occur. Hepatosplanchnic blood flow may decrease [5]. At this point, intravascular volume optimization will probably correct these alterations. When intra-abdominal pressure is moderately increased to between 15 and 25 mmHg the full syndrome may be observed, but usually responds to aggressive fluid resuscitation, and surgical decompression should be considered. At high pressures (< 25 mmHg) surgical decompression associated with fluid resuscitation and transient use of vasoconstrictive agents is mandatory. When surgical decompression is not feasible, application of a negative abdominal pressure should be considered [6,7].
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